Steel City Harley-Davidson® Donation Request
Steel City Harley-Davidson® is pleased to provide charitable support to not for profit organizations when possible and available. The guidelines are made available to organizations for their planning and use. However, we receive an overwhelming amount of requests for donations and sponsorships that it's impossible for us to contribute to them all. We use the following criteria to assist in our decision making.
- Organizations which meet local needs and serve the community of Washington County or surrounding counties.
- Motorcycle charity rides in our local area or that start at Steel City Harley-Davidson®.
- Motorcycle related charity or organizations.
- Organizations which are led, organized or actively supported by customers of Steel City Harley-Davidson®.
If you feel your event request is a good fit, a Steel City Harley-Davidson® donation request form must be filled out either in store or through the link below. Please include or attach the event flyer with your request. Donation requests must be made to the SCH-D Marketing Manager at least 30 days in advance of the event. Requests are reviewed on a monthly basis but due to the large volume of requests, we are unable to contact organizations which are not selected.